Monday, November 8, 2010

On Campus Venue booked!

Really excited we just booked our first choice venue for ON CAMPUS! It's The LABA Theater at the 14th Street Y and it's beautiful! In our ideal location and will leave us ample room for creative staging and set, yay! We have the space from March 7th-March 27th. So be sure to keep updated on this great new play. I'll be sure to announce the exact dates and times when it gets closer :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More from Florida

So yes, it's true, ever since that sunny audition in Miami, my mind keeps wandering back to warm welcoming Florida. Since life is short, I figured I would escape the brisk New York once more to audition in 80 degree weather. So, I had some great auditions lined up in Orlando. The first ones were for Disney, great in the fact that they got to see my face... twice, even though I probably wasn't what they were looking for at the moment since they were mainly casting The Lion King. However the audition for Universal went really great and I received a callback to read for the Choirmaster in Harry Potter World! Which I am a HUGE fan of. Seriously. As 'research' I went to Universal's Harry Potter World and it's awesome. Just like the books way cool! Anyways, the audition went great, was impressed that I was able to utilize my British on such a quick cold read and feel natural with it. Maybe I was meant to be a wizard...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We have a Cast!

So, in addition to the many events of the summer, I have also begun the new adventure of producing. Which I'm very excited about. It's a new play by Steve Sherman called ON CAMPUS and we're aiming for a production in the beginning months of 2011. It's a great play that deals with some very relevant situations that today's college students face (love play's with great messages). We've been holding auditions and I'm very excited to say we have are cast! We had our first read-through tonight and I have to say these actors are some of the New York's finest! This is definitely going to be a show you're gonna want to see!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Commercial Callback!

Had a really great commercial audition for an internet search engine this morning and just found out that I have been called back! Really excited, especially since I did it sans agent. I like making things happen and had a really great time auditioning for the camera again.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

One Minute Play Festival

Doing a one minute play festival this evening in Astoria! It's going to be great fun so come check it out! It's in the Methodist Church on Crescent St. just a few blocks from the N train. Have never done a one minute play before, but I'm in 4 of them and they're really fun. So I hope you get a chance to come check us out. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Auditioning again!

After a summer full of weddings, and some much delayed quality family time I have re-entered the auditioning world once more, and in full force! Starting with an audition for the New Theatre in Coral Gables, FL for the world premiere of The Radiant. Which went amazingly! Everyone there was very gracious and told me to expect a callback, probably closer to the time of the show in the spring. Plus I get to enjoy the sunny Miami weather. Not a bad way to re-enter the auditioning world. ;)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Very excited to be working on a new project with Lorelei Ignas at the moment. It's called Prep, and it's basically "Brave New World" meets "Gossip Girl" in a nutshell. So if you'd like to see what the future looks like for elite high school kids, come check it out! It's playing at The Red Room March 18th, 19th, and 20th. You may also want to reserve tickets before hand as it will most likely sell out fast! To purchase tickets please email For more information on the show and cast please visit hammertheatrenyc. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

New 47th Floor Video

Check out the newest video clip I'm in for the webseries The 47th Floor!